Serving On Sundays
Christian worship is not simply a service led by pastors; it is the work of all the people in the worshiping community.
Everyone is invited to participate with their voices, bodies, and hearts.
Some are called to serve in particular roles during the service, such as communion assistants, readers, musicians, ushers, or acolytes. These opportunities are open to everyone and give you a chance to share your gifts.
We learn by doing.
Participating in worship, and taking on a servant leadership role is a learning experience. You are drawn deeper into the stories, rituals, and practices of our Christian faith. ​This is the foundation of our faith formation at Glen Cary.
Sunday Morning Worship Roles
Contact the church office at 763-434-5695 to sign-up or for more information.
Acolyte — Light the altar candles, assist the pastors with the offering, communion distribution, and other duties as needed. Open to all who have received ​First Communion.
Altar Ministry — Responsible for the care and maintenance of the altar and worship space, the linens, and the vessels and supplies ​used during worship and communion.
Communion Preparation — Prepare the bread and wine for Communion.
Communion Assistant — Assist the pastors with the distribution of Communion.
Scripture Readers — Read the selected Scripture texts during the service. Copies of the texts will be delivered to you several days prior to the service.
Ushers — Assist those attending worship services with seating, receive offerings, direct worshippers as they come forward to receive Communion.
10:30 Coffee Service — Prepare coffee and doughnuts for fellowship after the worship service, and clean-up after fellowship time.
Greeting Ministry — 15-20 minutes prior to the worship service, welcome members and visitors as they enter; provide assistance and/or directions as needed.